An open letter following the huge number of University students reporting an increasing number of spiking by injection incidents while in nightclubs and other nightlife venues across the UK.

October 28, 2021

In recent weeks, reports of needles spiking have emerged across the UK, with media coverages (from across the globe), rightly questioning whether Club Culture is a safe environment for people.

We are deeply sorry that people have had such negative experiences while taking part in such a complex, advanced, cultural experience. That’s not what Club Culture is, or should be about. Hence why, we fully support young women, and students, in their actions to boycott bars and clubs this week in cities across Britain, and manifest their disdain.

Nevertheless, it is with remarkable sadness that we have to acknowledge such negative events, and worries, in order to be as realistic, and critical, as possible in addressing them, starting from the basis that Club Culture, is not as safe as it should be.

Such a crude statement can be supported by the numerous so-called “plague raves” that have occurred around the globe since the W.H.O. officially COVID-19 a Pandemic.

Unfortunately, too many within the industry have not taken adequate measures, neglecting the potential risks of large gatherings, thus persisting with their cynical modus operandi, creating ulterior damages to a movement that has been vastly overlooked, and despised by many.

As such, a similar argument can be made for other issues, such as the abuse of drugs and alcohol, discrimination, and the current “spiking epidemic”.

Luckily, a minority (including us) has refused to neglect such passive approaches, considering the health and safety of every individual, as of primal significance, hence why it would be a huge mistake to discriminate against all of those who work hard, trying to implement real changes for the better, within our ever so fragile eco-system.

Yet, unfortunately, this continues to appear as a minority. Nonetheless, we will continue to work as hard as ever in order to grow such a minority, as the state of our scene is utterly appalling, hence why we urgently need to
#REBUILDOURSCENE and make it better, safer, and healthier for everyone.

On a final note, please do take your time to read
this very quick guide, kindly put together by Drinkaware, so you know what to do if you think you, or someone else, has been spiked.